Why Is Kevin Samuels So Popular?

Oct 02, 2021 by admin - 0 Comments

In one word.

He’s polarizing.

Kevin Samuels is popular amongst black men in my humble opinion because he provides us with an intelligent perspective rooted in self-improvement. He will often say that he is filling a void for black men that should have been addressed by black fathers. While this statement may be controversial, I quite frankly agree with it.

Sometimes, moreover most of the time the truth hurts. As a black man, I’m well aware of the problems in my community, and I’m also focused on providing solutions. And in my view, a lot of our issues are patriarchal.

Kevin Samuel speaks in that manner. He’s harsh, blunt, and to the point, and that’s just what we as black men need.

However, many people feel that he is too cold with his assessments, and that also lends to his popularity.

That said, I feel that the majority of his popularity comes from his interactions with the women that call into his live streams.


Kevin doesn’t pull any punches with anyone, but I’ve found that a lot of black women take exception to him.

I’ve even had discussions with my wife and oldest daughter about many of his talking points. I can say that they were not pleased initially with a lot of his content, but after they were able to grasp the context in which he speaks, much of his feedback was understood.

I believe that’s the problem with a lot of the women who hear about him. They’ll see a blurb somewhere in which he was quoted, or get a ‘piece‘ of information from someone they know, without digging deeper to watch an entire stream and make their judgments without having all of that facts.

But long story short, Kevin Samuels is popular because he tells the truth. And despite the old cliche that says the truth brings people together, it actually doesn’t.

The truth in my opinion divides and forces people to make hard decisions. Whether it’s Mr. Samuels or any other ‘truth-teller“, they will often be met with malice, and be initially misunderstood.

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